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Why Do We Hide Our Faces?

There are two main reasons why many of those who contributed material to the End Time Survivors Youtube channel decided to hide their identities, and why most of those who write articles for this site do not reveal their names: (1) They want to direct people to the message rather than the messenger; and (2) They hope to protect themselves from unnecessary future persecution. 

In this article we will only deal with the second point, i.e. the persecution, aspect.
The term 'need-to-know' refers to information that is only disclosed on the basis that the recipient really needs to know it.  No matter how curious you might be, most of you do not really need to know what colour my eyes are, or how long my nose is. 

Many of us on this channel are preparing for a time when we will need to seriously discern who needs to know certain information and who does not.  Have you ever thought about what you might be forced to do and say in the presence of authorities interrogating you for information, like happened in Nazi Germany?  You would need to be mindful and sensitive about what you say (particularly in relation to betraying other people), as any slip-ups could have serious knock-on effects.  Torture can cause people to say things they might normally never say; but sometimes we slip up more when the approach is quite a friendly one.
We all tend to think of ourselves as being more loyal and trustworthy than we really are.  We would never think of betraying our friends, but most of us do not realise how easy it is to reveal information (usually quite innocently) about others that would not be in their best interests.  Our confidence about not doing that is often the biggest danger of all.

How many of us think to pray before we speak?  Are there things we can do now to train for possible future scenarios?
The Internet can be a great tool for sharing a message with the whole world.  But if we were, for example, to publish a list of places where we (and others) have been (will be) able to locate free food, we would need to remember that others who are not sympathetic to our cause would also have access to this material, and they could use it to block us from further use of that information.

There is a thin line between conveying important and relevant information to people, like we are hoping to do on this site, and saying things that others may capitalise on to cause harm.  Please bear this in mind as you read through various articles contributed here.
Prophetic background
Jesus and other prophets (like Daniel and John the Revelator) predicted a time of "Great Trouble", where intense persecution would be felt by every believer, no matter where they are on the planet. (Matthew 24:21)  During this 3 1/2 year period, a world leader - the "Antichrist" - is predicted to arise, forcing everyone to worship him as God.  Genuine believers will refuse to do this and will teach others not to do it.  Prophecies say that the Antichrist will respond by persecuting anyone who chooses to take a stand for the truth. (Revelation 13:1-10)
Several prophecies are beginning to merge with present-day reality (e.g. Matthew 24:6-8; Revelation 13:16-18; Isaiah 5:20).  We need to prepare for a number of other prophecies that are linked in scripture with events now taking place in the world.  These include the likelihood of: (1) family members and friends betraying us (Matthew 10:21); (2) authorities putting us on trial and interrogating us (Matthew 10:17-19); (3) imprisonment (Revelation 2:10); and, finally, (4) torture and execution. (Matthew 24:9)
Jesus predicted that false prophets and false christs (like the Antichrist) would arise during this period, who would deceive, if possible, even "the very elect". (Matthew 24:24)  Believers who choose to follow God continually (i.e. "the very elect") will not be deceived, but it will not stop the Antichrist from trying. 
Thousands of believers in the Underground Church around the world already put their lives at risk every day, just by living out their beliefs.  Tribulation goes hand-in-hand with being a genuine believer. (Acts 14:22; 2 Timothy 3:12)  However, in many Western countries, nominal Christians have been lulled into a false sense of security.  Preparation for hard times ahead (either spiritually or physically) is not encouraged.  In some cases it is actively discouraged, on the basis of so-called "positive thinking".  People are taught that tribulation can be avoided; that it is only for unfortunate people "elsewhere".  This mindset needs to be challenged.
The next section looks at three ways we can prepare ahead of time, to increase the chances of protecting ourselves and others during persecution.
Three Tips to Prepare
(1) Praying for wisdom
Discerning what the Spirit is saying takes sincerity and practice.  James encouraged us to ask God for wisdom.  He says that if we ask in faith and single-mindedness, God will give us wisdom. (James 1:5-7)
Asking ourselves whether what we plan to share is relevant, helpful or necessary, is one aspect of wisdom.  Certain details (such as movements or contact information) are not important for most people to know.  Often people ask about such details quite innocently during polite conversation, out of idle curiosity.  It is easy to disclose such information without even realising it, which is why we need to foster a mindful attitude towards everything that we say. 

Realising that disclosure could lead to serious consequences for us and others should sober us up to the need to pray for wisdom before speaking.  Praying constantly will help us to think through the possible consequences of what we share.

(2) Obeying God’s leadings
Being obedient means being willing to act on what we hear God say.  It means putting God's will above any biases that we may have.  Then (and only then) will we be in the right place to hear correctly. (See point 1 above.) 

In this right relationship, we may hear the Spirit prompt us to give someone a full serve of the truth (e.g. 2 Timothy 4:2;) while on another occasion we may hear God's Spirit warning us that opening up with someone is wrong. (Matthew 7:6; Titus 3:10)  We need to remain continually open to either option, as this will enable us to better choose when to speak, and what to say. (1 Peter 3:15)
The Apostle Paul said that we need to "bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ". (2 Corinthians 10:5)  There is a direct relationship between our thoughts (what is in our hearts) and our words.  (Luke 6:45)  Jesus went so far as to say that we would be judged for every idle word that we speak. (Matthew 12:36-37)  This emphasizes the importance of learning obedience in the smallest details of our lives (e.g. communication) in order to prepare for the time when we may be brought before authorities to give account of our faith, whether spoken or silent.  It is comforting to remember Jesus' words of instruction to all disciples (past and present) who may face this eventuality: "Settle it therefore in your hearts, not to meditate before what ye shall answer: For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist." (Luke 21:14-15)

(3) Not being put on the defensive
One of the best tactics that the Devil has for getting us to say things that we should not say is our fear of what people think.  How easy do we find it to say to someone (patiently) that what they have asked about is something they do not need to know?  The argument is almost always given that you must be guilty of something because you do not let it all hang out.  But the Bible says that "Only the fool utters all that is in his heart." (Proverbs 29:11)  There are valid reasons for withholding information, and we need to develop the confidence to do that.  Blindly trusting anyone (including close friends) with information that they do not need to know can have disastrous results in dangerous times.

One of the most tactful ways to deal with idle curiosity is to politely ask, "Why are you asking that?"  Most people will confess that it is just idle curiosity, and thus confirm that the information is not really all that necessary for them to know anyway.  It works far better than saying, "None of your business!" 
But it also helps to steer people away from asking too many questions in the first place.  "He who asks the questions controls the conversation," so even though it may flatter you that people ask so many questions about you, you may do more for the friendship, and be able to protect important information at the same time, by asking them to tell you more about themselves, their background, their interests, their beliefs.

Then there is the matter of pointing people in the wrong direction.  In one way or another it deceives them into thinking something other than what is actually happening.  For example, on one occasion, Jesus told his disciples that he was not going to a feast so they should go on without him.  He then went to the feast on his own, in secret. (John 7:8-10)  There could be times when the Holy Spirit would prompt us to deceive someone, or to hide certain details from them, like Jesus did in this instance.  Paul talked about being a "deceiver and yet true", which seems to indicate a similar strategy which may, at times, be used for the good of others. (2 Corinthians 6:8)  
The more we learn to act in faith rather than fear, the more we will be able to discern what God is telling us to do in each circumstance.
To summarise, there are three simple rules for deciding how much information to give out, and how much to retain: (1) Pray for wisdom before you speak; (2) Be obedient to whatever God shows you; and (3) Avoid situations where you are being put on the defensive.  We need to be ready to speak without constraint, limit what we say, or even remain totally silent, depending on what the Spirit instructs us to do at the time.
Moment-to-moment listening to God is how we prepare for the time when the System clamps down on believers.  This has been predicted to happen on a worldwide scale, and it is happening in parts of the world already.  It is likely that we will make mistakes, but if we hone our ability to listen and communicate wisely, this should help us cut down on the number of mistakes we make which could have serious ramifications.
Deepening our relationship with God - the Source of all wisdom - is how we learn to discern what is needed in all situations.  This is true both now, and in future, when we are more likely to be seriously tested on this.