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Does the System have a Good Side?

Something that is often said when a miscarriage of justice or public disgrace is finally resolved, is: "At least it shows that the system still works."  Saying “The system works” is just a way of reminding ourselves that the system is still there after all is said and done... whether or not what was said and done was said or done fairly.  Those who find the most comfort in knowing that the system is there are usually those who feel the system most favours them.

Some systems are fairer than others, but sooner or later all systems fall short of perfection. And all systems work better for evil manipulators than they do for innocent and naive believers.

We do still live in this world, and because of that, we need to learn how to interact with the various systems around us. But a wise person learns to see through even the "good" points of the system, and to understand how even the “good” bits operate to benefit those who know best how to manipulate it.  We need to be as "wise as serpents" if we are to avoid being tricked by the overall deception.

Systems utilise a socially-generated conscience to keep many people in line. Such a conscience is a reflection of the collective and accumulated moral conscience of a society.  In most cases there is nothing inherently good in that conscience, because it almost totally operates on everyone’s fear of what others think (or what they would think) of our actions.

A truly “moral conscience", on the other hand, is something much deeper. It is the conscience we have when no one is looking. It represents how much genuine faith in God (or truth or love, or justice) an individual has.

When Jesus said to his followers that they were the salt of the earth, he was probably referring to their moral conscience. A few genuine saints can alter the collective (i.e. socially generated) conscience of a nation, and thus raise even the (apparent) moral standards of the many hypocrites who make up the system. It has been said that hypocrisy is the homage that vice pays to virtue.  This is because the socially-generated conscience which results from our fear of what others will think is really just a "reflection" of the genuine conscience of a few individuals, many of whom may not even be alive anymore.

Moral development goes through stages, from just doing the right thing out of fear of what others will think, to doing the right thing in the face of total rejection and even death. Very few people ever reach the top level; and yet that is the level that Jesus expected of his followers.

He said, "The way to life is narrow and very few will find it." (Matthew 7:14) But these few become the light of the world, and the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13-14), dictating the collective conscience for the rest of society, and still having some residual effect on the world today.

Unfortunately, faith in the system and obedience to the professed ideals of the system will never bring eternal life. To follow Jesus we must be willing to step out from behind the protection of the system, and confront the system itself. We must be willing to face the angry mob, and learn what it is like to be hated and slandered when all we were trying to do was to follow our highest revelation of Truth. It is out here - in obedience to a moral conscience - that we discover just how evil even the best system can be, and just how cruel the collective conscience can be.

The difference between the best system and the worst is only a speck compared to the log of difference between them all and the kingdom of heaven. To be a part of the kingdom of heaven (where Truth is all important), we must turn our backs on (and face rejection from) all the systems of man.

Very few people will do that.

A time is coming when the collective conscience of the human race will become so debased that the Devil himself will be able to take over the world and destroy whatever remains of our socially-generated conscience. At the moment there is still a little bit of this counterfeit conscience left, but every day more and more people become aware that they can do just about anything evil now and still get away with it.  (Please note that those who are more or less the “salt of the earth” at the moment are largely counterfeits themselves.  It’s just that they still think that at least some of the others are genuine, and so they do not want to lose face by coming right out and saying, “I have no interest in being good anymore.”  As more and more people do make such statements and find no resistance coming from others, all vestiges of a moral conscience will quickly disappear.)

At the moment, Satan is also restricted by people who have learned about his plan for world domination from someone who had genuine faith in Jesus and his teachings (or even from someone who heard of them from someone else who heard of them, etc.).  Because so much of this has come second and third-hand, even many of the people who are trying to warn the world of the coming Antichrist will one day join in attacking those who know the truth about the futility of trying to fight fire with fire, system with system, and counterfeit with counterfeit.

Our call is clear, and we believe it is the world’s only lasting hope:  We are calling everyone to forsake their systems, forsake their political hopes, forsake their religious solutions, forsake their friends and families, forsake their jobs and possessions, and follow the one true Christ of the Gospels, who is the only begotten Son of the Creator of the Universe, sent here to give us the answers to our existence.

There may not be enough true believers left to save the world much longer, but we can at least find eternal salvation for ourselves through faith in Jesus and all that he taught.

*For more information related to this article, please check out the following video: "Leave Your Job and Exit the Matrix for Good!"