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Jesus vs the Apostate Church

Jesus says: Love your enemies. (Matthew 5:44)

The apostate church says: Bomb them before they bomb us.

Jesus says: Don't pray in public like hypocrites do in church. (Matthew 6:5-6)

The apostate churches say: If you won't 'lead in prayer' you must be ashamed of your faith.

Jesus says: Go into all the world preaching the good news. (Mark 16:15)

The apostate churches say: Settle down and get a job, so you can pay someone else to do it.

Jesus says: Don't work for food that perishes. (John 6:27)

The apostate churches say: John 6:27 is an isolated passage and doesn't apply to everyone.

Jesus says: Take no thought for food or clothes. (Matthew 6:25)

The apostate churches say: It's irresponsible not to make plans for your future.

Jesus says: Sell what you have and give to the poor. (Luke 18:22)

The apostate churches say: Jesus only said it to the rich young ruler. It's not for everyone.

Jesus says: You sell what you have and give it to the poor too! (Luke 12:33, Luke 11:41)

The apostate churches say: I'll have to talk to my pastor about those verses. I didn't know that they existed.

Jesus says: If you don't forsake all you own, you can't be a Christian. (Luke 14:33)

The apostate churches say: NO COMMENT (Best to ignore it and hope it goes away.)

Jesus says: You can't work for God and money at the same time. (Luke 16:13)

The apostate churches say: You can, as long as you don't say prayers to money.

Jesus says: Seek God's kingdom first, and he'll feed you. (Matthew 6:31-33)

The apostate churches say: God's happy with the leftovers (evenings and weekends).

Jesus says: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. (John 14:6)

The apostate churches say: You must balance what Jesus said with what other Bible writers said.

Jesus says: Heaven belongs to the poor. (Luke 6:20)

The apostate churches say: He didn't mean poor; he meant humble.

Jesus says: Woe to the rich, for they'll be punished! (Luke 6:24-25)

The apostate churches say: Nonsense! Wealth is a sign of God's blessing..

Jesus says: Do not save up wealth. (Matthew 6:20)

The apostate churches say: Young people must learn to save.

Jesus says: It is better to cut your hand off than to sin. (Mark 9:43)

The apostate churches say: Only a fanatic would take this seriously.

Jesus says: I drink, and people call me an alcoholic. (Matthew 11:19)

The apostate churches say: Jesus never touched alcohol, and it's a sin to do so.

Jesus says: Only those who obey me will enter heaven. (Matthew 7:21-24)

The apostate churches say: Just say Jesus is your "Saviour" and you don't need to obey him.

Jesus says: God's children do not owe the government anything. (Matthew 17:24-26)

The apostate churches say: We owe it to the system to work 40 hours a week supporting it.

Jesus says: Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, I am there. (Matthew 18:20)

The apostate churches say: If you don't belong to a major, reputable denomination you're in spiritual danger.

Jesus says: You religious leaders are damn hypocrites! (Matthew 23:13-24)

The apostate churches say: Harsh talk like that is unbecoming of Christians. It is from the devil!

Jesus says: Church leaders have left out the most important piece. (Matthew 21:42)

The apostate churches say: The most important piece is the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, the divinity of Jesus... anything, but not his teachings.

*For more information related to this article, please check out the following video: Bro Dave Ch #4 - American Apostasy